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Sunday 30 September 2012

We All Know That The Sun Rises, But What Else Rises?

We all know the sun rises, but what else rises? What else rises? The "Dark Knight Rises" will be released on July 20, 2012! Now I am 99.99% positive that I can refrain form asking this next question, but for fairness sake, I will ask it anyways. Are you excited? Ahhhhhhh, I am so excited! I can barely hold it in! But, there may be some people out there who do not share my passion and anticipation. That is why I am writing this blog; Well really I am writing this blog for a two-fold reason. 1. To critique "Dark Knight" and share my opinion on "Dark Knight Rises" and 2. To hear your opinion about whether or not you think "Dark knight Rises will be a success.

So let me begin with my critique on "Dark Knight" (MINIMAL SPOILER ALERT HERE) I absolutely loved it, from the intelligent script, to the genius of a director, and to the elegant cast of actors. If you read my earlier blog on the movie "Inception", you will all ready be aware of my love for director Christopher Nolan. He is a genius when it comes to directing because he know how to relate to his audience. Nolan is aware of what his viewers want to see and how to convey that in his pieces of work. And the actors? Simply put, how can one go wrong with names such as Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. Bale is known for his role in the first two Batman movies and of course, will be performing the role in the new and upcoming "Dark knight Rises." But another movie he played an excellent role in was the movie "Prestige"(also directed by Christopher Nolan) But, that is a whole different story and will without a doubt be fully critiqued in one of my future blogs. And Heath Ledger....If you have not seen "Dark Knight", Ledger is enough reason to go see it. I am a huge fan of Christian Bale and his ability to relate to his character's emotion and feelings, but I have to honestly say that Heath Ledger is the aspect that changes this movie from amazing to outstandingly amazing. Ledger hit the nail perfectly as he played the role of the Joker. There was no convincing needing to take place in my mind. He played the role perfectly. If you are fan of this movie I am sure you will remember this quote of his which sends chills down my spine...

"The Joker: Come here. Hey! Look at me. So I had a wife. She was beautiful, like you. Who tells me I worry too much. Who tells me I ought to smile more. Who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks. One day, they carve her face. And we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again. I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars. So... I stick a razor in my mouth and do this...
[the Joker mimics slicing his mouth open with his tongue]
The myself. And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling!"

What a great moment in this film among several others. Before I ask some questions about the upcoming "Dark Knight Rises", I just wanted to share a short summary of "Dark Knight" for those of you that for some strange reason, have not been able to see it yet. "Dark Knight" portrays Batman as he teams up with Harvey Dent to bring down the opposing vigilante mob and bring peace to the disparaging city of Gotham, but in attempting to accomplish this, let the cat out of the cage so-to-speak. Joker, with his hell-bent passion to turn Gotham against itself, does everything in his power to stop Batman and bring his heroic qualities down to his level.

So questions for "Dark Knight Rises." 1. Do you think this movie will be the last movie in the Batman series? 2. Are you upset that the Joker will not be in it? 3. Do you think it has potential to be the movie out of the series? 4. Will this movie be a success? Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Bill Cunningham New York

The best documentaries are the ones that leave you feeling like you've had a religious experience - that you've either just encountered a holy person or experienced a conversion to some new cause or idea that had been previously unexplored. The best documentaries transcend the subject matter and touch another place altogether - that spiritual place. And so it is with Bill Cunningham New York, a delightful documentary directed by Richard Press about the octogenarian New York Times photojournalist who comes across as a monastic figure whose sanctuary is couture.

Prior to seeing the picture, I didn't know Bill Cunningham's work, but being a longtime reader of the New York Times, I was aware of his street photos, which have been a regular feature in the Style section for over thirty years, and the tension between ubiquity (he's a respected sage in the fashion industry) and anonymity (he's a discreet man who shuns the spotlight and money in order to enjoy guiltless freedom in what he does) is at the core of the movie and the man.

Cunningham was born and raised in Boston, and retains the distinctive accent where Central Park becomes Central Pahk. After dropping out of Harvard, he moved to New York, where an uncle who worked for Bonwit Teller, the high-end department store, took him in and got him a job as a stock boy. Cunningham's interest in fashion worried his family, who no-doubt feared that he was gay. Finally, tiring of his family's pressure to get a "straight" job, Cunningham moved out of his uncle's place in 1949 and found an empty space on East 52nd street where he set up a hat shop and designed under the name William J.

After a hitch in the army, Cunningham came back to New York where he began his career in journalism. He got on with Women's Wear Daily, and was given carte blanche to write about whatever interested him. When WWD wouldn't publish a piece he'd written about Courreges, the French designer, he quit.

In the 60's, Cunningham worked for the Chicago Tribune in their New York office. In 1966, he met a photographer named David Montgomery. When Cunningham expressed an interest in taking pictures, Montgomery gave him an Olympus Pen-D half frame camera and told him to use it like a notebook. Thus equipped, he entered a new phase of his career.

Cunningham took Montgomery's advice to heart, and it was during this time, as he was getting acquainted with the camera, that he had an epiphany. He wrote about this moment in a 2002 piece for the Times - "I realized that you didn't know anything unless you photographed the shows and the street, to see how people interpreted what designers hoped they would buy. I realized that the street was the missing ingredient." That realization, that the street was where fashion was worked out, led to an obsession with the streets of Manhattan, which became a kind of laboratory for Cunningham, who documented the daily fashion experiments, looking for patterns.

In the 70's, Cunningham started taking photographs for the Times, but it wasn't until 1978 - after a chance encounter with Greta Garbo and a nutria coat she was wearing - that he landed his current gig, covering the streets and the galas and the shows - the Bill Cunningham holy trinity of fashion.

Bill Cunningham New York is a mixture of talking head interviews, decades old archival footage of Cunningham, and present day coverage of the man on his daily rounds. Amazingly, Cunningham - nearly 80 at the filming of the picture - still gets around Manhattan on his trademark bicycle, moving from street corner to street corner to capture a few frames of some article of clothing or an accessory that catches his eye.

The man who emerges from all of this attention is a purist completely uninterested in industry politics, self-promotion, or celebrity. For him, it's all about the clothes...of others. Cunningham lives a Spartan existence. His apartment is a tiny studio at Carnegie Hall that has no kitchen or bathroom (he showers and takes care of other business in a common bathroom in the hallway). He sleeps on a makeshift cot. The rest of the living space is occupied not with furniture and art, but filing cabinets filled with prints and negatives - his experiments.

Cunningham dresses conservatively, and could easily be mistaken for a retired professor or accountant but for his trademark blue smock. Some years ago, he stumbled across the smock - designed for institutional use - in a department store section devoted to uniforms. It's a light jacket that Cunningham favors for its many pockets (to hold film and other paraphernalia) and rugged construction (his camera, which dangles from his neck like a giant medallion, is hell on coats). It looks like something Chairman Mao might have favored.

Cunningham has stripped his life down to the essentials so that he can devote as much of himself as possible to the documentation of what people are wearing. He's that rare person who, early on, discovered his calling, and has let nothing distract him from it. Seeing him at Carnegie Hall Towers, once can't help but view him as a kind of secular monk and Carnegie Hall as his monastery. Cunningham and his elderly neighbors, nearly forgotten artists from the mid-twentieth century, are as delightfully anachronistic as an encounter with a Franciscan monk or the Amish.

The difference with Cunningham is that, though he may not be of the world, he's definitely in the world. We see him in the offices of the Times, playfully bantering with co-workers. We see him in Paris at a major show, where a young gate-keeper keeps in out on the sidewalk until an older co-worker pushes her aside, declaring Cunningham to be "the most important man on earth." We see him on the street, dialed in like method actor or ballplayer, looking for that thing.

Bill Cunningham New York has blown the cover of its subject, but his loss of anonymity is our great gain. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Friday 28 September 2012

Download A Great Wall Online Today!

Download A Great Wall Online Today!

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The first American feature filmed in modern China, A Great Wall is a graceful, infectious and "perceptive comedy of clashing cultures and the pitfalls of assimilation" (The Washington Post). Actor/director Peter Wang "serves up a platter of insights into the universality of human nature" (The Wall Street Journal) in this heartwarming gem. After quitting his job as a successful computer executive, Leo Fang decides to pack up his American family and return to his roots in China. But when the thoroughly modern Fangs move in with their more traditional Beijing relatives, the joyous family reunion quickly disintegrates as each side tries to make sense of the other. Can the very different sides of Leo's family come together and break down the Great Wall thatdivides them?

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A Great Wall was agreeable! You have to appreciate this movie! A enigmatic performance by Jan Haley & Xiaoguang Hu make A Great Wall a "ought to see to it" movie!

The staggering cast includes Jan Haley, Xiaoguang Hu, Sharon Iwai, Qinqin Li, Guanglan Shen. This cast just make A Great Wall the more stupendous!

Movie Review: Prometheus (2012)

Director Ridley Scott originally intended on creating a prequel to his film Alien, but when the script writing began, he realized the wealth of material presented warranted its own separate tale (still set in the same universe, however). Such an undertaking led to copious speculation and extremely high expectations from fans for what would eventually become Prometheus. Yet for a film that supposedly merited severance from becoming a direct Alien precursor, the sequence of events in Prometheus are strikingly close to that of Scott's prior effort. In fact, certain segments seem designed specifically as a counterpart to the iconic moments now cemented in cinematic history. Unfortunately, none of these scenes come close to the shocking brilliance of those found in Alien, and while the atmospheric sets, awe-inspiring practical effects, and competent acting are present as they should be, don't expect to find the answers you're looking for - in either the notorious beasts' origins or the countless new questions raised that Scott clearly feels are better left unanswered.

When scientists Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) discover clues on Earth that point to possible "engineers" of mankind, they partner with the powerful Weyland Corporation to launch an expedition into space to make contact with their creators. Governed by Weyland's stern attaché Meredith Vickers (Charlize Theron) and accompanied by geologists, mercenaries, and the cryptic android David (Michael Fassbender), the crew of the spaceship Prometheus is instructed not to interact with any life forms they may encounter. But once the group reaches their destination of the moon LV-233 and discovers the remains of the beings they set out to find, avoiding exposure becomes impossible. As a deadly infection rapidly spreads and mysterious creatures begin attacking the crew, Elizabeth realizes the horrifying truth and must fight for her own life as well as the very fate of mankind.

The usually capable director has bitten off a bit more than he could chew with Prometheus, which attempts at different moments to be a great many things. Expectations are particularly high, since Scott became famous for Alien in 1979, and this film marks his return to the genre. At the beginning, he ventures into contemplating alternatives to the evolution of humankind with predominantly science-fiction philosophies; in the middle, he explores favorite themes such as the assault on feeble human flesh, the invasion of orifices, and genetic mutation - essential elements of gore for the sake of horror; and toward the conclusion, he opts for action-oriented thrills, packed with impressive CG wizardry and massive destruction. Each shift in genre disorients the story from having a clear vision, and the result is a mess of unresolved ideas and poorly defined beings (especially regarding the capabilities and function of the Engineers, their cargo, and subsequent anomalies).

Brandywine Productions, David Giler and Walter Hill as producers, the title font, notations of "LV_223," talk of company jobs, an android, a monstrous ship full of lonely corridors, hypersleep sickness, hidden agendas, sabotage, H.R. Giger's artwork, and advanced technology all harken the return of a familiar atmosphere. But while the environment, heaped with humidity, high-pitched noises, black muck, and slithery critters, remains reminiscent of Scott's original masterpiece, the plot progresses slowly and formulaically. A crew awakes from hypersleep, a bypass surgery medical pod is inspected, Jackson claims he's there for security purposes and brandishes weaponry, ship and helmet cameras feed crackling, static-filled transmissions, allochthonous walls glisten with slime, and an unsuccessful quarantine allows something to be brought back aboard the command ship. None of it is notably original and the sense of foreboding and foreshadowing is jeeringly blatant. Suspense arrives too late, horror is handled clumsily, and the poignancy of physical pain, understanding the purpose of the structures, and digesting answers to the mysteries of life is sorely neglected. The "space jockey" creation from Alien sparked an interesting question of origin and ancestry, but the solution is mightily underwhelming.

- The Massie Twins ( Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Thursday 27 September 2012

3 Latest Movies Filmed on Location in South Africa

South Africa has been a prime location for film productions for years now, but it is still a novelty to find an international movie or major TV series actually set on the streets of Cape Town or Johannesburg. So it was with great excitement that South African movie goers greeted the release of Safe House earlier this year, and that is not the only movie to be filmed on location in Cape Town recently.

Safe House - This blockbuster box office hit stars Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds and was filmed on location in and around Cape Town. The story of a young CIA agent on the run as he tries to look after a fugitive in a safe house gives lots of scope to the Mother City as a setting. Capetonians get extra thrills from location spotting of their familiar streets and mountain, but from the fact that it scored a huge $40.2 m in its first weekend after release it went down a storm everywhere else in the world too.

Chronicle - Here Cape Town is doubling for Seattle, as three teenagers with supernatural powers find their lives spiralling out of control. The sci-fi thriller is filmed as if it were found-footage put together from video recordings. As well as being filmed on location in the streets of Cape Town, the production used sets constructed on a film studio stage at Cape Town Film Studios. Left hand drive cars were shipped in especially for the production and ingenious special effects produced to show the effects of the heroes' telekinetic powers crushing a car.

Dark Tide is another 2012 release filmed on location in and around Cape Town. This harnesses the power and drama of the ocean as Halle Berry stars as a diving instructor who returns to work in deep waters after an almost fatal encounter with a shark. The crew shot on a small boat with real great white sharks in False Bay. The studio filming in an underwater tank was completed at Pinewood Studios in the UK. The film was released in March 2012 and didn't get very good critical reviews, either for the plot or for the acting, but everyone agrees that the scenery is stunning, as you would expect for any movie filmed with the Cape Peninsula as a backdrop.

And something else to watch out for, though not yet released, is the third TV series of military drama Strike Back, which was filmed in various locations in South Africa earlier this year. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Review of 7th Heaven, The Complete First Season Online

Review of 7th Heaven - The Complete First Season Online

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7TH HEAVEN centers around the Camdens, a tight-knit family living in Glenoak, California and consisting of minister dad Eric, homemaker mom Annie, and their brood of five children: Matt, Mary, Lucy, Simon and Ruthie and their adorable dog, Happy. The series chronicles the many complex issus of growing up in the world today, and the Camden family tackles these issus head-on. Unafraid of intervening in the lives of their children, Eric and Annie discuss serious issus with them in an effort to educate them on the ways of the world. The family remains a tight unit as a result of their love for one another, and their faith in God.

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7th Heaven - The Complete First Season was mellifluous! You have to lay a wager this movie! A peachy performance by Catherine Hicks & Jessica Biel make 7th Heaven - The Complete First Season a "have to look on" movie!

The dazzling cast includes Catherine Hicks, Jessica Biel, Stephen Collins. This cast just make 7th Heaven - The Complete First Season the more dazzling!

Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)

From the concept of a former president's double life as a monster slayer to the outrageously unhinged action sequences, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter will test your suspension of disbelief. Films of this nature are often hard to digest in the first place, but a more careful attention to creating a coherent narrative and a greater focus on explanation over theatrics would have better prepared the mind for the outlandish situations presented. Few rules are set for the abilities of our hero, even fewer for the foes, motives are blurry at best, and gravity (of any kind) rarely makes an appearance. There's a reason you've never seen two people fighting atop a stampede of wild horses - it's just not believable no matter how substantial the special effects.

When ruthless businessman Jack Barts (Marton Csokas) murders his mother (with a conspicuous bite that causes a sickness for which there is no febrifuge), Abraham Lincoln (Benjamin Walker) becomes obsessed with revenge. But on the night he finally musters the courage to kill Barts, he discovers his nemesis is actually an immortal vampire. With the aid of the mysterious vampire hunter Henry Sturgess (Dominic Cooper), Lincoln learns how to destroy the undead and becomes a skilled killer. Hiding his demonic exploits from his love, Mary Todd (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Lincoln begins a career in law and politics. His successes in both his public and private endeavors brings the unwelcome attention of the deadly vampire leader Adam (Rufus Sewell), causing a war to ignite that will determine the very fate of mankind.

The extent of the ridiculousness in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter cannot easily be compared or understood. It's not dissimilar to director Bekmambetov's other wildly eccentric projects, although it is drastically less polished. He makes interesting choices with adaptations, but is starting to reveal himself to be limited to the creativeness of the source material and the level of over-stylized special effects he can fuse into the blueprint. As his selections become further and further disconnected from believability, the errors and ludicrousness are much more apparent. It's bad enough that history is being grossly (not cleverly) distorted; with the exaggerated fight sequences, physics-defying stunts (an occasional few of which aren't entirely disappointing), unconvincing CG medley, and superhuman abilities of a character defined as ordinary, this hopelessly silly premise repeatedly approaches insulting.

"Vampires are real, Mr. Lincoln," matter-of-factly states Henry. This line occurs early on, with an abruptness and a bluntness that establishes the general degree of hasty introductions for every character and setting. There's never time to absorb the elements of the supernatural, the twist on the historical legend, or the shocking physical strength and ninja-like agility of Lincoln (which never subsides, especially noticeable when he turns 50). Even the unique aspects of the bloodsuckers, including invisibility, acclimation to sunlight, and the invulnerability of vampires to other vampires, present themselves out of thin air and without explanation. Abraham is taken as a pupil instantly, a training montage materializes swiftly, and genuine danger seems remote. If it isn't peculiar enough hearing factual names, famous battle locations, and civil rights milestones mentioned in context with slaying monsters, or the use of recognizable comedy character actors (Alan Tudyk, Jimmi Simpson), or hilariously violent and intentionally gratuitous death scenes, the 20+ year gap in vengeance (the villains just ignore the hero for decades) and acrobatic duel atop charging stallions might do the trick.

- The Massie Twins ( Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Vampire Diaries: More Than Just a Fantasy

For movie enthusiasts, the Twilight series is one of the most popular fantasy movies in recent times with its introduction of romance between a vampire and a human. It's not exactly an original concept but the author added some extra features like how vampires sparkle and also the concept of a love triangle with a werewolf. Just like in movies, TV shows have its fair share of popular fantasy shows such as True Blood, The Walking Dead and Smallville. One TV show that aims to be another memorable show is the CW's "The Vampire Diaries".

Vampire Diaries follows the story of a girl, Elena, torn between her romance for two vampires who happens to be brothers. Looking at that plot alone, people may judge it as a copycat of other several vampire stories. While it may not be that original in terms of its concept, the show makes up for it in their storylines and subplots. It doesn't exactly focus on the trivial facts about vampires but on the relationship of every character, especially the main character, who finds out she is a descendant of another vampire and whose life has changed when the people around her has been affected by the presence of the vampires. Elena, played by Nina Dobrev, finds herself in the company of Stefan and Damon who tries to capture her heart. But the decision is not easy to make for her as she has fallen in love with both of them. The other characters in the show have also captured the interest of the viewers with their own storylines which are in some way connected to each other in the greater side of things. One of Elena's best friends, Bonnie is a witch who grew up under the care of her grandma and another one of her friend is Caroline who was turned by a vampire and fell in love with a werewolf, Tyler, who happens to be one of their friends. We have seen these characters grow throughout the show's run especially when Bonnie strives to have more power as a witch and finds out about her mother is alive all these years. We also see Caroline's maturity as she makes her transition from a human to a vampire. We see how she struggled with helping her boyfriend turn to a werewolf and try to keep their relationship even if vampires and werewolves were not supposed to be together. Elena also has her own set of problems especially in dealing with her parent's death and the added responsibility of taking care of her brother whom she only has left after their guardian passed away.

One of the major reasons why this show continues to keep viewers watching is that it incorporates real life problems and situations into the show. Most people like to watch drama and this show has plenty of it. There's romance, betrayal, action and a hint of humor to mix it up a bit. While this show might have vampires and other supernatural beings as the main cast of the show, it is something that humans have enjoyed in their TV viewing. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Monday 24 September 2012

Download 8 Man Movie

8 Man

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The original cyborg superhero in a live-action adventure. When a ruthless band of drug dealers gun down a promising young cop, an experimental operation is performed, transforming the dying cop into a cyborg. Using his new superhuman power, 8 Man works with the police to rid Tokyo's streets of violence.

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8 Man was honeyed! You have to see to it this movie! A heavenly performance by Mickey Curtis & Jo Shishido make 8 Man a "have to catch" movie!

The staggering cast includes Mickey Curtis, Jo Shishido, Sachiko Ayase, Etsushi Takahashi, Daisuke Shima. This cast just make 8 Man the more astonishing!

Prometheus Review, Symbols and Themes

Prometheus, directed and produced by Ridley Scott, had quite a bit of hype, especially from me. It was great, and had a few plot holes in the second half that didn't quite ruin it, but were unpleasant. Many viewers will not "get it" if they have not seen and remember the original Alien movie. It's not just another shoot-em-up sci-fi movie, it's a pretty big deal for fans of the series. If you plan on seeing Prometheus and don't remember the 1979 Alien film or haven't seen it, I think it's essential that you watch Alien first.

The characters were good. Not phenomenal, but good. And the acting was excellent, for the most part. I felt sorry for the archaeologist, Elizabeth Shaw, and I just wanted to give her a hug the whole second half of the movie. The android, David, was also a memorable character. Elements of Blade Runner were present in this character, specifically the idea of the "tears in the rain" monologue. In fact, the actor for the android avoided watching the original Alien movies, and instead got the inspiration for his character from Blade Runner.

The two screen writers, John Spaihts and Damon Lindelof (co-creator of Lost), did a decent job. Spaihts is somewhat new to the writing scene, but has experience writing sci-fi. He wrote the original script, but then Lindelof rewrote it, probably fixing some things while creating more plot holes. I think it was the script that took away the most from the film. I don't know which writer is more responsible. But I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say Lindelof, considering he's been writing about being stranded on a tropical island for years, and then suddenly jumps into the sci-fi genre. Seriously, someone who once wrote for a MTV show called Undressed--clearly a sign of writing just for money--has no business messing with the Alien universe. I just had to let that out.

The cinematography was amazing. Just as expected from a Ridley Scott movie. The intro shots were especially good, and the imagery provided in the opening scene let me know that Scott had not forgotten that important part of Alien. Most of Scott's movies are deep and full of thematic elements. He did not disappoint with this one.


The movie opens with a humanoid, pale alien standing on top of a waterfall on Earth, probably tens of thousands of years ago. He drinks a black liquid (which seems to be alive) and we witness rapid changes in his DNA, as the strands are twisted apart. His skin starts to deteriorate and he falls into the waterfall, with his limbs falling apart. He dies and supposedly plants his DNA in Earth, so it can have life. I think the purpose of this scene is to show that the humanoid aliens are responsible for life on Earth.

The first half of the movie is the best. I appreciate buildup. The two main scientists are trying to discover these "Engineers" on an alien planet, indicated by star maps found across Earth. The Engineers are assumed to be the creators of human life; the humanoid at the beginning scene was an Engineer. I find it funny that Meredith, the Weyland Corporation employee, is so controlling of their expedition. It's allegorical to PhD researchers who have to deal with being controlled all the time.

Throughout the first half especially, it was surprisingly philosophical and spiritual. I know that Ridley Scott wanted to take it this way; he believes that most science fiction films don't cover these topics, when they should. During their transit to the alien planet, which takes two years in cryosleep, David (the android) observes Shaw's (the female archaeologist) dreams. In the dream she is a little girl with her dad on what seems to be a digging expedition. A cross necklace appears over the image in the dream a few times; this symbol becomes important later on. She and her dad discuss what happens after death, and her dad says it's something like paradise. She asks why he says so, and he replies "because that's what I choose to believe."

David, being an android who is troubled by his existence, is the main cause of all the trouble that ensues. At one point he asks Charlie Holloway (Shaw's love interest) why they created him. Holloway replies "because we could." David goes on to ask if Holloway would be satisfied if he asked his creator that question, and got the same answer. There are many points like this in the movie, which help propagate the existential dilemma that exists in the human mind. The whole philosophical part of the movie is based around the "greatest question," regarding who/what created us and why, who created the creator and why, and so on. I think the important conclusion in the movie to this question, is that there is no answer, and never will be. It's about living with existence and enjoying it best you can.

It's not exactly known why David infects Holloway with the black fluid. It's either due to his immense curiosity or receiving orders from Peter Weyland, who is secretly hiding on the ship. After Holloway is infected by taking the drink offered to him by David, he visits Shaw in her room. She's found that the Engineer's DNA is a match to human DNA. Holloway says they've found their creators, and tells her she can take her father's cross off now. She refuses to, saying that they don't know who created their creators.

We learn that Shaw is unable to bear children, and she's quite upset about it. The two proceed to sleep together that night. And it's easy to see it coming that whatever was in Holloway's system would be in her system now. On their next expedition outside, Holloway becomes too sick and ends up volunteering to be immolated, to avoid spreading the infection. The event was traumatic for Shaw, but Holloway's death didn't have much of an impact on the plot.

After Holloway's death, David is checking Shaw for infections in the medical bay. David insists that she takes off her cross necklace for the body scan. She complies and David takes the cross. She learns that she is three months pregnant. It's also revealed that it is "not a traditional fetus." Almost immediately after learning this, she says "I want it out" and screams "get it out of me."Â Just ten hours ago, she was desperate to have a child, and now she wants an abortion. She doesn't know whether or not it's dangerous, but she assumes it is. David reflects on the circumstances and says "it must feel like your God abandoned you." The symbolism here is obvious.

The next scene is one of the most disturbing I've seen in a movie, not just because of the graphic aspect, but the emotion as well. Shaw escapes from the medical bay and finds the emergency surgery pod, in hopes to remove the developing fetus. She finds out that the pod is meant for male patients only, after requesting a caesarean section. I find it odd that it would be calibrated for male patients only. There's a symbolic importance in this, I haven't quite figured it out yet. She proceeds to have a "foreign body" removal surgery instead, and injects herself with painkillers and enters the pod. The painkillers are not enough for anesthesia, and the process is painful. Her lower stomach is slit open and a mechanical arm reaches in and pulls out the alien fetus, which begins squirming violently, trying to get back inside her stomach.

She's now trapped inside the surgery pod with the partially developed alien baby being held above her, as her stomach is stitched back up. She manages to get out of the pod and contain the alien inside. Since it was moving around in her stomach, it was probably gestated enough to survive on its own outside. I think Ridley Scott was referring to this scene and a few others when he was asked about the rating and said "the question is, do you go for the PG-13, or do you go for what it should be, which is R? Financially it makes quite a difference... essentially it's kinda R... it's not just about blood, it's about ideas that are very stressful."

What happened next really threw me off. She re-enters the medical bay and it is revealed that Peter Weyland, the founder of the Weyland company, is alive and aboard the ship. The main reason this threw me off is because the mood set from the last scene was completely lost and forgotten. There is no mention ever made by anyone of the alien fetus that was inside Shaw. But her pain is still clearly presented.

So Peter Weyland is much too old to be alive (obviously being kept alive by technology--transhumanism) and wishes to ask the Engineers to extend his life. His character is someone who has not accepted death, and is desperately clinging to life. In order for him to walk into the buried ship with the Engineers, he must have mechanical assistance from a suit he wears. He doesn't even get to ask his question to the awakened Engineer before being pummeled to death by it. I guess he got his answer.

The Engineer that was awakened doesn't appear that intelligent, even though they are presented as super-intelligent beings. He refuses trying to communicate with the humans and just resorts to killing them. He then readies the ship in order to go to Earth and spread the black liquid among the population, which appears to be a biological weapon at this point, which mutates humans into overpowered monsters. This is the part of the plot that's annoying, it feels like it was just kind of thrown in there.

The captain back on the human ship decides to sacrifice himself to bring down the ship by suicide bombing it, to prevent Earth from being destroyed. The two other crew members on the bridge agree to sacrifice themselves as well. They had previously made a bet, and one agrees to pay up "on the other side." The cinematography at work here is clearly stating the importance of their belief in the afterlife. They raise their hands, as if riding a roller coaster, before they collide with the alien ship. It's noticeable that the daughter of Peter Weyland is also desperately clinging to life. We see her struggling to make it to an escape pod and put on a space suit in time. She makes it out, but is still crushed by the crashing alien ship, revealing that her struggle was meaningless.

Shaw manages to survive the crash and makes it back to the surgery pod room where the alien that she carried is contained. It has grown to be huge and resembles an octopus (which was actually Dan O'Bannon's original idea of the facehugger). David, who has been decapitated but is still functioning, radios her and warns her of the Engineer who is approaching the ship. I'm not sure why the Engineer found it necessary to try and kill her. Maybe he was just angry after his ship crashed, or trying to eliminate all the humans that were left. When the Engineer enters, she opens the containment area and the octopus alien is released. I'm going to call it the Master Facehugger, since it's basically a very large facehugger and starts the whole process of the queen alien, except it resembles a sea monster more than a crab or a spider. So the Master Facehugger grabs hold of the Engineer while Shaw escapes, and latches onto him to begin the process of alien gestation.

After Shaw finds David, she asks him where her cross necklace is. It seems that after finding David and putting the necklace on, she has regained her strength to keep going. Just before this, she was lying on the ground, telling David "I can't do this anymore." After that, she puts David's head in a duffel bag and gets out of the ship (this generated many laughs in the theatre). Most of the ending dialogue between Shaw and David was weak and not well thought out.

Death acceptance and death denial are huge thematic elements. During the dream early in the film, Shaw as a little girl saw a man being carried in a funeral and asked her dad why he died. Her dad says, "sooner or later, everyone dies." It sometimes seems, that part of the crew is clinging to their current life, and the other part may be clinging to the afterlife. It proposes the question--what does it mean to accept death? It's symbolic to the never-ending struggle to find peace with existence.

The theme regarding motherhood and abortion is also important. A friend of mine pointed out an interesting fact in the Aliens film. When Ripley finds the queen alien, it's kind of a horrifying scene, and she has all of her eggs around her and is violent, in a less-than-happy situation. That particular movie was released during a time when feminism was starting to become successful. The Alien franchise has always carried a subliminal message.

For those who don't believe Alien movies have an underlying message, read what the screenwriter for the 1979 movie, Dan O'Bannon, said: "One thing that people are all disturbed about is sex... I said 'That's how I'm going to attack the audience; I'm going to attack them sexually. And I'm not going to go after the women in the audience, I'm going to attack the men. I am going to put in every image I can think of to make the men in the audience cross their legs. Homosexual oral rape, birth. The thing lays its eggs down your throat, the whole number.'"

So, in reality, there's much more going on in movies than most people are aware of. Only certain people will see it, and some will interpret it differently. That's alright, that's what art is meant for.

Another thing worth mentioning are the snake-like monsters they found. Before those appeared, an earthworm was shown in the soil around the area. So after the black liquid was released, the earthworm must have been infected and morphed into the monster.

Also, the ending sequence of the Xenomorph (black colored alien) leaves more questions. It would seem that it is the queen alien, and it proceeds to lay eggs in the crashed ship, which they find in the original movie. If it's not the queen alien, then there's still the possibility of using the other live Engineers that are sleeping for gestation. Either way, it makes enough sense to proceed to the original movie. Although, the Space Jockey scene is not exactly explained. Note: these were my original thoughts on the Xenomorph at the end, right after viewing. It's been confirmed that they are actually on a different planetoid.

There has been some speculation that the pale-skinned humanoid aliens are not the Engineers. I'd consider this a definite possibility, which opens up another great batch of questions. Looks like we'll have to wait for a sequel to Prometheus to know for sure.

Overall, it's a very thought provoking and stunning film. The visual effects and sound were incredible, and the use of CGI didn't take anything away from the movie. In the end, however, the original 1979 Alien will always be the most memorable one. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Sunday 23 September 2012

What Are the Best Film Websites to Stream and Rent From?

There are 3 main websites at the moment offering a rental/streaming service for movies and TV shows online, they are LoveFilm, Blink Box and Netflix. All three websites have their own take on the market which makes them able to attract vast amounts of new subscribers.

First of all I will examine LoveFilm.
In January of 2012, LoveFilm made an announcement that it had reached a huge two million subscribers! It says on their website that they have over 70,000 titles, and over 4 million DVD, Bluray or Games rentals per month across five countries. Through a series of large business deals the company has, in just a few short years, become arguably the leader in the online DVD rental and streaming market in both the UK and across Europe.

There are various sign up options with Lovefilm, involving a postal only rental option, online only option, and combinations of them both. This gives Lovefilm a good edge in the market as it has various different subscription options to suit buyers needs and make it the best film website for certain movie watchers.

Next up on my examination table is Blink Box
Blinkbox has near to 3 million users a month, which puts it above most of its competition. Blinkbox is a video-on-demand (VoD) website that is based in the UK and allows users to watch over 10,000 full length premium movies and TV shows online through purchase or rental options. The advantage for BlinkBox is that there is no subscription and it is essentially a "pay as you go" system, allowing users to pay to watch whenever they feel like it.

It also has quite a foothold in the smart tv market, expanding from sole PC/Laptop usage to the living room movie experience. For those who enjoy that experience they would probably consider BlinkBox the best movie website.

Finally I Will Talk about Netflix
Netflix is originally an An American company that due to its success, expanded worldwide. In 2009 Netflix was offering a collection of 100,000 titles on DVD and had over 10 million subscribers throughout the globe. Netflix has delivered over a billion DVDs to customers in it's operation. In 2011, Netflix announced 23.6 million subscribers in the United States and over 26 million worldwide. This accounts to a huge revenue (around $1.5 billion).

The shear amount of titles available through Netflix gives it a major advantage for the movie lover, making it by far the best film website for amount of titles available,

Which provider you choose is up to you, for more help on the subject check my link at the bottom for a site that compares the three, maybe this will help you decide once and for all which is the best film website! Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Download A Feast of Flesh Online!

Download A Feast of Flesh Online!

Free download of A Feast of Flesh Online Right Now!

For generations an uneasy truce has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory's Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it.

See A Feast of Flesh Online Right Now!

A Feast of Flesh was pleasure-giving! You have to drop in this movie! A egregious performance by Amy Lynn Best & Debbie Rochon make A Feast of Flesh a "have to look" movie!

The prodigious cast includes Amy Lynn Best, Debbie Rochon, Stacy Bartlebaugh-Gmys, Zoe Hunter, Steve Foland. This cast just make A Feast of Flesh the more startling!

Small Towns Without Movie Theaters Show Movies Outdoors

Outdoor movie events bring the movie theater experience outside to create a fun and unique cinema experience. Modern equipment allow outdoor movie viewers to enjoy the same high quality experience enjoyed by traditional movie house patrons. For towns without movie theaters, outdoor movies are a great alternative.

Currently, there are small towns all over the country without cinema complexes. By 2013, more small movie-picture theaters could be closing their doors when the movie industry switches to all-digital technology. Films will no longer be released in traditional 35 millimeter film prints, and theaters without the technology to show digital films will be forced to shut down. The cost of converting to digital in a movie house is around $65,000, leaving this conversion out of reach for many small, older movie theaters.

There are already many towns without a motion picture theater, and this change will lead to more. Residents of towns like this are left with the options of missing out on these movies or traveling to a town with a movie theater. Portable inflatable cinema technology gives these communities another option: outdoor cinema.

Inflatable movie screens are available in a variety of sizes to fit into many different locations, and accommodate small or large crowds. High quality theatrical screens and HD projectors, along with clear sound, bring the movie theater experience to any location. An outdoor movie can be held almost anywhere; holding it at a historic site or downtown can enhance the experience and make it more special for the community.

Going out to see a new movie with friends or family is a completely different experience than watching it at home. Small towns without theaters and those that stand to lose a theater with the digital conversion will be missing out. Outdoor cinema technology can provide a replacement that sometimes proves to be even better than a traditional movie theater.

Movies under the stars provide entertainment and can bring a community together. Event organizers can take their pick of locations, maybe a popular community park, or another location that is special to the community. An outdoor cinema also allows community members to come together and watch a movie all at the same time, rather than being limited by the size of a movie theater. Outdoor movies are being shown in communities all over, to provide a unique cinema experience. For towns without traditional movie theaters, outdoor cinema is even more special. In these towns, outdoor movies replace the movie theater experience by providing another cinema option. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Friday 21 September 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan Rises to the Occasion!

Christopher Nolan has made all Batman fans worldwide very happy, but most of all proud. Comic book fans are a very dedicated and loyal crew. They want to boast and beat their chests with pride and need the world to know just how badass Batman truly is. Batman is not the colorful Spider-Man who dances around like Tobey Maguire. Batman is dark and twisted constantly at war with Gotham city.

What if you were 8 years old, your parents take you out to a movie and some loser thug named Joe Chill kills your parents, right in front of you? Would you not be cold, distant, and perhaps even odd? Christopher Nolan has done a fantastic job telling the story as it should be told. "The Legend Ends" on July 20th, but Christopher Nolan has ensured his Dark Knight will live on for a very long time.

Bane: "The Man Who Broke the Bat"

"When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die. "- Bane, speaking to Batman

Who is Bane? Bane is that guy who was born and raised in prison. He is that guy who broke Bruce Wayne's spinal cord. He is a smart and physical freak who has been fighting to survive his entire life.

In Batman The Dark Knight, we witnessed Heath Ledger transform The Joker into the villain we all knew and wanted to see for so long from the comic books.

The question is can Tom Hardy bring Bane to life like Heath Ledger did with The Joker? All signs point to yes, and we can tell from the trailer that Bane is no stranger to death and destruction. Tom Hardy himself described Bane as an absolute terrorist. If he can make that transition on screen, get your popcorn ready! It is sure to be one hell of a ride! Batman The Dark Knight Rises is set to end on a high note. This movie will be the masterpiece to end an already proven and brilliant franchise.

Batman The Dark Knight Rises Cast and Crew

Christian Bale is back for his final Batman movie. He said earlier in an interview that this will be his final movie wearing the Batman costume. Gary Oldman is also returning to play Jim Gordon. Then you have Michael Caine playing Alfred, and Morgan Freeman playing Lucius Fox. The new members for this final installment is Anne Hathaway, who takes on the infamous role of Selina Kyle. For those that don't know that name, you might know her famous alter-ego of Catwoman.

Anne Hathaway gets plenty of screentime in the trailer and is sure to be a hit. Christopher Nolan also adds Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard, who were both in his huge hit Inception. Overall the cast stays the same, lined with star power and an enormous amount of talent. Of course you have Liam Neeson and the above mentioned Tom Hardy.

O and did I mention Troy Polamalu, Ben Roethlisberger, Hines Ward and many other NFL Pittsburgh Steelers all make their movie debut! With the new additions this is sure to be nothing less than a blockbuster.

Batman The Dark Knight Rises into Box Office Gold!

Batman Begins, which was released back in 2005 pulled in $372,710,015 Worldwide!

Batman The Dark Knight was released in 2008 and is one of the top ten biggest grossing movies of all time! It pulled in a worldwide total of $1,001,921,825. This new and final installment, Batman The Dark Knight Rises is set to break records once again! It has an estimated budget of $250 million, up from the estimated budget of $185 million from Batman The Dark Knight. I think it is safe to say this Batman will rise right into the record books! Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Review of 12 Monkeys Online

Review of 12 Monkeys Online

Watch 12 Monkeys Online Right Now!

Inspired by Chris Marker's acclaimed short film La Jetee (which is included on the DVD Short 2: Dreams), 12 Monkeys combines intricate, intelligent storytelling with the uniquly imaginative vision of director Terry Gilliam. The story opens in the wintry wasteland of the year 2035, where a virulent plagu has forced humans to live in a squalid, oppressively regimented underground. Bruce Willis plays a societal outcast who is given the opportunity to erase his criminal record by "volunteering" to time-travel into the past to obtain a pure sample of the deadly virus that will help future scientists to develop a cure.

But in bouncing from 1918 to the early and mid-1990s, he undergoes an ordeal that forces him to qustion his own perceptions of reality. Caught between the dangers of the past and the devastation of the future, he encounters a psychiatrist (Madeleine Stowe) who is initially convinced he's insane, and a wacky mental patient (Brad Pitt in a twitchy Oscar-nominated role) with links to a radical group that may have unleashed the deadly virus. Equal parts mystery, tragedy, psychological thriller, and apocalyptic drama, 12 Monkeys ranks as one of the best science fiction films of the '90s, boosted by Gilliam's visual ingenuity and one of the finest performances of Willis's career. --Jeff Shannon

Watch 12 Monkeys Online Right Now!

12 Monkeys was desirable! You have to remark this movie! A unprecedented performance by Joseph Melito & Bruce Willis make 12 Monkeys a "want to catch" movie!

The mind-boggling cast includes Joseph Melito, Bruce Willis, Jon Seda, Michael Chance, Vernon Campbell. This cast just make 12 Monkeys the more overwhelming!

Big Film Posters of 2012

Films are getting bigger and bigger. Prequels, sequels. Remakes and more. 2012 is a big year for films, and in turn, film posters. The designers and teams behind films have probably, quite a lot on their plate. You'd be forgiven to thinking that they could just chuck then design to an intern.

"You boy! Intern! The one with the beard! Take a screen shot and put some reviews on it. Make it snappy. 8 million prints. In the next hour. "

However, it's worth bearing in mind that this is the studio's main route to press and excitement over their latest creation, so plenty of time and effort goes into making these posters the best they can be.

So the top film posters of 2012 for the bestsellers were as follows:

The Avengers

The Avengers posters showed the full cast of the avengers assembled (see what we did there?) with some shots of individual members, and a clear focus on the date as well as the 'A' for avengers and the studio Marvel. The brand is well established and needed little explanation, and the use of the variety of characters on their own and together added diversity and interest for fans of the individual films (e.g. Thor, Hulk, Iron Man.)

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games posters were a mix of the full cast in a shadowy side profile, as well as the arena shot with the strap line 'the world will be watching'. For those who hadn't read the hunger games books, this unusual setting certainly gave an air of mystery to the film, with the poster giving actually little away to the genre and plot of the Hunger Games. The continuity of brand imagery, the searing orange and blacks meant that the hunger games posters were soon a noticeable fixture across the country.

Titanic 3D

Titanic 3D's posters featured jack and rose looking wet and a little harrowed (wonder why?) with the strap line 'experience it like never before'. The push here is all on 3D, and Titanic 3D, although not reinventing the wheel, was always going to be a big hitter on the anniversary of the sinking of the ship.

Wrath of the Titans

The Wrath of the Titans posters featured spearing of two headed beasts, a hunky male lead in full view of the shot, as well as the aforementioned beast breathing fire on said hunky male lead. The theme of wrath of the titan's poster was definitely 'Action!!' and gave a real indication of 'what you see is what you'll get.' It worked, grossing $298,004,440 worldwide.

So, we're not even through 2012 and we are already seeing some amazing film posters and movies hitting worldwide. The year of the blockbuster, the movie poster themes continue to push 3D, Imax and Real, and we can expect to see some great images for the upcoming Batman: The Dark Knight Rises posters and the new Spiderman posters. Keep your eyes peeled! Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Things to Do In Orlando Harry Potter Theme Park

First came the thick books, then the blockbuster movies, now Harry Potter fans can experience the world of magic through the Harry Potter theme Park in Orlando, Florida. With almost six years in the making and a cost of roughly about $200 million, Universal Island of Adventure was opened to the public in June of 2010. Since day 1, countless of Harry Potter fans around the world visited the place for its magical scenery and exciting Wizarding activities. It didn't take a long time for the park to become a legit tourist attraction in Orlando.

This 20-acre Wizarding World is an area inside the Island of Adventure Theme Park. Right from its entrance gate, visitors are welcomed with a stone arch of the Hogsmeade village by a steam-blowing train of Hogwarts Express. In front of it is a stretch taken straight from the movies: crooked-chimneyed old English shops along its winding road while snow-capped roofs are gleaming in the Florida sunshine.

Because of the popularity of the park, it's normal to see the park very crowded, everyday. So if you're planning to take your kids and the whole family to see the magical Harry Potter universe come to life, make sure you follow these tips:

1. Get there Early

Avoiding peak hours is your best option for a hassle-free visit. If you don't want to spend long minutes waiting in the long line just to get in the rides, make sure you arrive early. Also, the park usually closes during peak hours later in the day.

2. Take full advantage of Bypass Line-Ups

Universal Studio Theme Park helps guests who can't be at the park early through their alternative routes. There are three ways to bypass line-ups;

a. Staying at the Universal Orlando Resort and getting free "Universal Express" access.

b. Buying the Universal Express ticket.

c. Getting a VIP tour at a premium price.

3. Avoid crowded areas, such as shops.

As much as you want to purchase souvenirs, don't waste your time in buying items in crowded shops. There are tons of souvenir shops inside the theme park where you can get merchandise items. If you're thinking of going shopping inside the park, then you better avoid shopping in small shops. Those in the lower area of the Hogwarts Castle are better options for shopping.

4. Purchase wand at the Owl Post shop rather than in Olivanders.

Getting your own wand is a part of the whole Harry Potter theme park experience; however lines can be quite long in the Olivander wand shop, as it can only accommodate so much people at once. Owl Post shop on the other hand, is quite accessible in the connecting Banges and Dervish shops. Also, this shop is far more spacious.

5. Wait for the Lights

Though it can be quite tiring to walk around the park for hours, staying inside until night will allow you to see more magical ambiance of the park, completing your whole Harry Potter Theme Park experience. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Watch hack SIGN, Outcast Movie

Watch .hack//SIGN - Outcast On Your MP3

See .hack//SIGN - Outcast Online Right Now!

Tsukasa has been captured by the Crimson Knights! Subaru talks with him and tries to understand his plight, but the unbalanced Sora stages a jailbreak and distrupts everything! Confusion mounts within the group as Mimiru confronts BT about her betrayal. Mimiru decides to give it all up, but after a chance encounter with another player, she changes her mind. As the clus unfold, everything points to a powerful legendary item called ""The Key of the Twilight"". Could this be the source of all the trouble in ""The World""? Everyone seems to think so. Alliances are formed and plots are hatched as all eyes fall towards uncovering the whereabouts to this new item.

Get .hack//SIGN - Outcast Online Right Now!

.hack//SIGN - Outcast was compatible! You have to parlay this movie! A sterling performance by Mitsuki Saiga & Megumi Toyoguchi make .hack//SIGN - Outcast a "have got to meet a bet" movie!

The astounding cast includes Mitsuki Saiga, Megumi Toyoguchi, Kazuhiro Nakata, Akiko Hiramatsu, Kaori Nazuka. This cast just make .hack//SIGN - Outcast the more astounding!

Is It Any Wonder That Movie Piracy Sites Are Thriving?

It was a rainy day today, so my wife and I decided that we should go and see a movie. We called up Grandma and asked if she would be willing to look after the kids for a few hours, and she was happy to spend some extra time with the little ones. So, after finally agreeing to go and see the new Men In Black 3 movie, we got into the car and headed to our local Cineplex theatre. When we arrived, we walked up to the ticket machine, requested 2 general admission tickets and then proceeded to pay. For the two tickets at this particular Cineplex, the grand total was $21.00, which seemed pretty reasonable. Next, we proceeded over to the concession stands to consider our options for a snack. We didn't want to get too elaborate, so we settled on a large popcorn, 2 regular sized drinks and a small bag of candy.

Fortunately, my wife has a 'SCENE' card (a promotional card that rewards purchases with points and lowers the cost of some goods when presented at time of purchase). However, even with the card, the snacks cost us another $21.00!! Now, we're not talking about pizza and fries, or hot dogs and energy drinks here....we're talking about one of the cheapest snacks known to mankind....due to the sheer abundance of raw materials available on this continent, popcorn costs mere pennies to produce, but apparently commands a GIANT price tag to consume when purchased at a movie theatre! As well, those large cups of soda are quite expensive as well (after they fill your cup with Ice, there might be the equivalent of one standard can of soda in that cup). The way I figure it, we probably got the equivalent of 1/4 a cup of popped corn kernels, 2 cans of pop and a bag of candy that could be purchased at a local grocery store for about $2. Based on some quick research that I have done, a pound of popcorn kernels is equal to about 4 cups of kernels, and a 1/4 cup of kernels will yield approximately 8 cups of popped popcorn.

So 4 cups of kernels will yield about 128 cups of popped popcorn! Oh and wait!, it's important to note that a pound of popcorn kernels costs about $2.00, so as you can see, you can produce approximately 128 cups of popcorn for about $2.00! Keeping these figures in mind, it cost the movie theatre approximately 13 cents for our large bag of popcorn, another couple of bucks for our soft drinks (calculated at a retail cost of $1 per can of soda), and about $2 or $3 for the bag of candy...for a grand total of about $5! In turn, they charged us $21.00 for those snacks!! That represents a mark-up of over 400%! As a result of this, it cost my wife and I just over $40.00 to see a movie today...and that was at a Cineplex where the price of the general admission tickets are much lower than those found at the same theatres in larger cities, where it's not uncommon to find admission prices ranging from $12 to $18 per person!

With pricing like this, it is little wonder why piracy has become such a large issue in today's society. After all, imagine if instead of Men In Black 3, my wife and I had decided to take our kids to the movies with us and take in a children's movie. Even with the cheaper kids ticket and concession costs factored in, the costs associated with such an endeavor would balloon to somewhere between $70 - $90! In the current economy, families are looking for affordable entertainment, and I do not believe that our local movie theatres are doing a very good job of providing that. Instead, families are more likely to download a newly released movie, pop up some popcorn on the stove and crack open some beverages found in the fridge... then curl up on the sofas and lazy boy chairs and have a family movie night. The costs associated with the stay at home movie night are likely under $10 bucks, and you don't have to worry about the obnoxious teenagers 3 rows behind tossing popcorn at you, while texting and speaking on their cellphones!

In the past 5 years alone I have witnessed the costs at the concession stands rise nearly 40%! I understand that some food industries have had to suffer through shortages due to issues related to weather and environment, but corn has remained very affordable throughout those 5 years. The costs associated with soda and candy has gone up slightly, but certainly not enough to justify a 40% hike at the movie concessions. So, is this just a matter of corporate and shareholder greed? Is the never ending appetite for ever increasing profits starting to get to a point that average families now face exorbitant costs just to take their loved ones to a show? Is it any surprise that movie theatres have to plaster large signs at the doors declaring "No Outside Food or Drink Beyond This Point"?

Obviously they are trying to protect their very large profit margins and thus their investors returns.....not to mention the fat salaries and bonuses awarded to their top executives! In 2010, the CEO of Cineplex received over $4.5 Million in total compensation - most of which was received in additional incentives beyond his base salary based on performance and profit targets! His base salary was just $803 Thousand dollars.....but he earned over 5 times this amount once all of the additional bonuses and incentives were paid....and you can bet your bottom dollar that those rising ticket prices and exorbitant concession prices factored largely into his compensation package....but hey, who can live on a paltry base salary of $803,000/year anyways right?

Here is an idea for Cineplex that would result in continued growth of profits and thus, investor delight. Why don't you drop your prices 40%, encouraging more families and individuals to visit your theatres and grow your business through expanded ticket and concession sales! As a result, you could positively affect the employment figures and employ more people to serve the influx of customers who can now afford to come to the movies, and more people could enjoy the magic of watching movies on the big screen, rather than downloading those movies to hard drives at home that are hooked up to their large screen televisions. I think you will find that people are more willing to pay a fair price for the entertainment you are providing, than stay at home and watch their free downloads because they cannot afford to pay your unfair and outlandishly exorbitant fees.

Furthermore, the movie industry going after the websites that provide free downloads of your movies will never yield any great blows to the infinite community of piracy sites that exist out there in the wild of the world wide web....but charging people affordable prices to visit your theatres will slowly start to win back customers who are tired of being overcharged to watch movies that rarely live up to their trailers! While the cost of your tickets and concessions have been steadily going up, the cost of large screen televisions and the technology used for downloading content has been steadily going down. If that trend continues, theatre companies like Cineplex will continue to see their viewership decline (Between the years 2000 - 2010, cinema attendance has dropped by over 22%, while during the same period, ticket prices have increased over 15%!), and large electronic retailers like Best Buy, Future Shop and Amazon will continue to benefit from the increased demand for new big screen TV's!

The bigger concern for companies like Cineplex should long can they continue raising prices to offset the decline in ticket sales before they begin seeing massive drops in cinema attendance! Only time will tell, but if I were the CEO of Cineplex, I would be very concerned with the long term prospects of my job. Of course, the question remains whether the current CEO has enough foresight and courage to challenge the traditional business model that has over the past 10 years continued to show steady declines in attendance! Personally, I hope the industry turns itself around, and many more generations of people can continue to experience the magic of the big screen at an affordable price. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Monday 17 September 2012

It's a Knockout

Its's a Knockout TV Series

The iconic television series It's a Knockout had an illustrious innings. Beginning in the UK in 1966, it transmitted its last show in 2001. In one special programme, it even had members of the British royal family, Princes Andrew and Edward, Princess Anne and Fergie, as team leaders.

Despite its British team character and typically Anglo-saxon slapstick humour, the series was the brainchild of French Premier Charles de Gaulle, who mooted the European version of the series, Jeux San Frontieres, as a way of uniting European nations in friendship and fun. It even provided the inspiration for Peter Gabriel's song Games without Frontiers, a eulogy to the TV phenomenon.

In the UK, the show hosted 3 teams each week, for example Bristol, Bath and Minehead, all hotly competing for the much sought after 'Tip Top Town Trophy'. The programme billed itself as 'an inter-town contest of skill and strength' and the population of Britain collectively tuned in to watch. In its heyday, in the 70s and 80s, the show boasted audiences of up to 16 million.

As the theme tune 'Bean bag' by Herb Alpert and Tijuanna Brass started playing, people knew that they were in for madness, mayhem and a right good laugh. The teams competed against each other in obstacle races and silly versions of games lifted from the Olympics, school sports days and the producer's fertile imagination.

The competitors always had to wear costumes and these were usually enormous. The huge feet and giant bodies and heads made the racers cumbersome and clumsy and hilariously liable to fall over.

There were relay races, massive rubber inflatables and vast quantities of foam and water, for slipping, sliding and generally getting dunked in. Part of the show's appeal was its jolly, colourful, slapstick and custard pie nature, but perhaps the main factor in its success was the eccentric presenter Stuart Hall, whose infectious laugh sent audiences, and himself, into peals of uncontrollable laughter. If teams did well, they could compete for Great Britain in Jeux Sans Frontieres.

With a bigger budget, and an even bigger audience, the show featured ever more outlandish costumes and fancier props. One game featured giant Frankenstein chasing a flower-planting damsel in a mini-dress and the immortal line "just a friendly tap and he's fractured her skull, but never mind". With penguin suits, revolving platforms, plenty of competitors getting utterly soaked and a punchline of "here come the Belgians", it was a runaway Saturday night success.

For the Brits, as with all great British endeavours, it was the taking part that counted. Love it or loathe it, it was ground breaking TV and it epitomised the best of British spirit in a nutshell. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Watch 1964 Olympic Judo Championships Movie

Watch 1964 Olympic Judo Championships On Your Ipod

See 1964 Olympic Judo Championships Online Right Now!

The 1964 Olympic Games were a milestone for all martial arts not just Judo.

It marked the first time Judo was recognized as an Olympic Sport and Kano's dream had become a reality. It was also the year Japan lost its grip on Judo and Dutchman Anton "The Giant" Geesink won the Open weight category in Judo disposing the myth that techniqu would always beat size Geesink was 6'6" tall and 267 pounds and in perfect condition.

Also Americca's Jim Bregman, George Harris, Hayward Nishiyoka were among some of Americas top fighters who helped to break the grip Japan had enjoyed on the world stage of Judo.

This DVD is the record that will show you many of these monumental battles incluidng the fight between Geesink and Kaminaga Akio the Japanese National Champion that will go down in history as one of the greatest Judo matches of all time if not the greatest.

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Sunday 16 September 2012

Television Influence on Small Children

The Greek and Latin languages are where the word 'television' has its origin. The word is a derivative from 'tele', which is a Greek word translates, to 'far sight' and 'visio' is a Latin word that means 'sight.' In the latter part of the 1930s, the television made its way to the commercial markets. These days, television is the single most popular type of audio-visual in commercial set-ups and home. Merely mentioning the word 'television' calls to mind a medium which assists individuals in keeping abreast with entertainment issues and current affairs. No longer is the television set a single communication unit. The television has evolved in the complexity of the design to transmit recorded material that is stored on Blu-ray discs, laser discs, DVDs and video cassettes.

Television History

The television history spans over time zones and regions, in view of the fact that the technology has evolved in different places and at different times. This communication system, as it is known these days, is not the brainchild of any one specific inventor. The process has taken the endeavours of a number of engineers, over several decades, to develop along various overlapping designs, to utilize commonly accepted electronic and mechanical principles. Despite the fact that electromechanical television sets have been abandoned for the completely electronic, ultra-modern designs, the fundamental design rests on the discovery of selenium photo-conductivity in 1873. That discovery which was made by Willoughby Smith brought about the scanning disk invention from Paul Gottlieb Nipkow in 1884. In 1926, a demonstration of televised moving images was carried out by John Logie Baird, that technology was joined with the image dissector that was designed in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth, to provide viewers with the fundamental principles of the television that we currently know.

These days, the world of television is discovered by children at an incredibly tender age. A number of studies have indicated that kids who are younger than 6 years old watch television, DVD or video on a daily basis, at an average of 2 hours. In a number of instances, watching television can be useful, particularly the wildlife and educational programs that have the capacity to broaden the understanding and knowledge of your child in relation to the world around him or her. In addition, it can introduce them to a variety of communities and cultures of the world. However, at the moment the negative effects are seemingly outweighing the uplifting ones.

The Negative Influences of Television on Children

The formative years in the life of child, particularly the first two to three years, are vital to the mental growth and development of the child. Those are the years in which a child learns by way of interacting, observing, playing and discovering new things. As a result, these first few years are extremely vital for the physical and mental development. Therefore, a pattern of watching television excessively could hinder his or her social activities such as spending quality time with members of the family, reading and playing with friends.

There are a number of television programs that portray extreme violence and this could induce lots of changes in behaviour in young children. In view of the fact that kids can relate easily to what is being shown on the television screen, they will be more prone to imitating the behaviour that is depicted. As a result, you may notice aggressive behaviour in your child. In addition, it could cause the little one to develop sleeping disorders and have nightmares because his or her sense of anxiety and fear has been stimulated by what is shown on the television. In addition to this, it will possibly result in creating confusion in the mind of the young child as it relates to knowing the difference between good and bad. That is because parents most likely teach their kids that aggression and violence is bad but the program on the television will possibly show the heroes or 'good guys' perpetrating violence.

Apart from the violence, drinking and smoking scenes are depicted widely in commercials and television programs, without giving an explanation of the unfavourable consequences. The repeated and continuous exposure to these programs will make children feel as though these activities are quite acceptable and normal. As a result, kids who watch these programs on a regular basis are a great deal more likely to mimic and develop these unhealthy habits from an early stage in their development.

In the developed world, obesity is a widespread problem and television is among the important factors that are responsible for the increasing incidences of obesity among kids. Excessive watching of television decreases physical activities of the kids and simultaneously amplifies the popularity of unhealthy foods, such as potato chips, soft drinks and other snacks that they see on the commercials. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Mad Men Commentary: Episode 511, The Other Woman

Joan and Peggy. These two have been the subject of much contrasting over five seasons of Mad Men, and this week's episode, titled The Other Woman, casts their differences in the sharpest relief yet.

That title - The Other Woman - refers to a mistress, which is how Don and his creative team think of Jaguar. As he explains it to Megan, "The Jaguar is beautiful, but unreliable. It comes with a toolkit the size of a typewriter. You basically have to have another car to go places. What we're saying is it's your gorgeous mistress." Megan is not impressed. "So, a wife is like a Buick in the garage?" "We're trying to make a weakness into a strength. We're selling to men," Don explains. "No, I get it. Doesn't being a mistress make the car immoral?" Megan asks. "The word 'mistress' won't be in the ad," Don says. To Don, this is simply a metaphor, but for Megan, it's a reminder of Don's past, and it stirs her insecurities.

The episode gives us other mistresses, second-place women who are looking to make it in a man's world and are thus making the weakness of femininity into a strength. We're talking about Joan and Peggy and the wildly diverging paths that each takes to a better position and what they're wiling to trade to get there. And though each is able to leverage herself to a new plateau, in the end, one will feel like a trap, while the other, though terrifyingly unknown, will feel like flying.

And in the middle of all of this is Don Draper, whose great victory will be tinged with bitterness and loss.

The episode opens with Don, Stan, Ginsberg, and some freelancers huddled up in the conference room, struggling to come up with a big idea for the Jaguar campaign. They've decorated one wall of the room with various photos and icons, designed to inspire. But it's not working.

Peggy catches Don in hallway, and asks him to approve some copy for Secor Laxatives, but he's in a rotten mood and brushes her off, telling her she's in charge of everything other than Jaguar and to make a decision. It's a great vote of confidence, but in life it's not so much the message, but how it's delivered that counts.

As this exchange is wrapping, Joan shows up with a fancy lunch - lobster - that is wheeled into the conference room courtesy of Roger Sterling. The men applaud as the covers are removed from the trays. Peggy watches this from the other side of the glass wall that separates her from the big time action.

While Don and the creatives tackle the look and feel of the campaign, Pete and Ken work on the politics of the campaign, securing it against some formidable competition. This includes wining and dining guys like Herb Rennet (Gary Basaraba), the president of the Jaguar dealer's association. Herb plays his cards close to the chest, until the end of the meal, when Pete assures him that SCDP will do whatever it takes to make him happy. Seeing his opportunity, Herb tells them that there is one thing that will certainly help them win his vote - a night with Joan Harris. A night in bed with Joan Harris. In a show filled with slimy guys and shady deals, this is a new depth. Luckily, Ken Cosgrove is at the table, but just as he's about to inform Herb that Joan is married, Pete cuts him off.

Herb excuses himself for a moment, and while he's away, Ken asks Pete why he didn't tell Herb the truth about Joan, rather than lead him on. Pete says that Herb himself is married, knows that Joan is married, and doesn't care about either. Ken is disgusted at this. "Well, we wanted to be in the car business," he says, lighting a cigarette.

Don arrives home from work to learn that Megan has a big audition the next day. She's nervous and needing support, but she shifts the attention to Don, asking him what he planned on doing. "I was just going to watch Carson and cry myself to sleep," he says, giving her a hangdog look. She tells him not to worry, that he'll think of something. He says that maybe she'll think of something, inviting her to help. She goes along, and asks for the strategy. That's when he tells her about the Jaguar being like a beautiful, high-maintenance mistress.

These two have been tiptoeing through a minefield these last few episodes, each always on the verge of saying or doing the wrong thing to set off an argument. This time it's Don who gets under Megan's skin, but rather than fight, she simply retreats to the living room, leaving him with Johnny Carson and his drink.

The next morning, Pete shows up early and corners Joan in her office. "I got bad news last night," he tells her. "And I hoped you'd help me deliver it." Like it was her responsibility.

Joan, being the gossip she is, is all ears, and Pete takes his time building up to the ask. "I don't know what to do," he says. "It turns out he wanted something we're not prepared to give. Something very unorthodox." "What does he want?" Joan asks. "We're going to lose Jaguar unless an arrangement is made between you and him," Pete says. Joan is shocked, but Pete piles insult on top of insult. "If you can think of some way to break this to the company, I'd appreciate it."

This launches Joan on the offensive, and she reminds Pete of her marital status and what an asshole he is. He simply throws up his hands, saying it's Herb bringing this up and not him - the don't-shoot-the-messenger defense.

The scene is like a boxing match, and Pete counters Joan's moral outrage by being the amoral pragmatist. He brings up the idea that we all make mistakes in life - mistakes that don't get us anything. They're free. Well, this is a mistake that could help her tremendously. She could get paid from this mistake.

"You're talking prostitution," Joan says. "I'm talking about business at a very high level," Pete counters, sounding like the devil himself.

Pete goes for his knockout punch - the offer of power. "Do you think Cleopatra was a prositute?" he asks. "She was a queen," he continues. "What would it take to make you a queen?" "I don't think you could afford it," Joan says.

Round 1 - Joan Harris.

Next, we find Peggy and Ken in Harry's office. They're about to get on a conference call with Chevalier Blanc, who wants to pull their Beatles-inspired campaign. Harry asks if Peggy will pose as Ginsberg's assistant (Ginsberg can't be pulled away from Jaguar), but Peggy absolutely refuses, making Harry introduce her as Ginsberg's supervisor, which he does.

When they get on the call, Harry and Ken start off talking, but soon the hot potato is tossed in Peggy's lap, and she improvises a compelling new campaign, set in France with a Lady Godiva theme that the buyer from Chevalier Blanc loves.

Score one for Peggy - she maintains her dignity and saves the account in one call.

Pete gathers the partners together to tell them the news about the dinner with Herb Rennet and his demand. At first blush, all the men are shocked by this news and make a show of being outraged, but after Pete does the math for them, their moral outrage elasticizes, allowing for the proper rationalizations to be made that will allow them to sleep at night.

Bert simply gives way. Roger says he'll go along, but he won't pay for it. Lane makes a weak stand, telling Pete he has some nerve. "that's right," Pete says. "We've gone too far to walk away...over what?" It's a chilling remark, but Lane folds. It comes down to Don, who is no stranger to misogyny. He's against the proposal, but for mixed reasons. He's disgusted by the blatant filth and arrogance of the demand, but he also has his pride mixed up in his reasons. He thinks they can win despite Herb, based on the strength of his and his team's ideas. He wants to win the business fair and square or not at all. But Pete won't back down. Don states his position, and leaves to return to his work.

With Don gone, Pete does the math for the remaining partners, reminding them that they don't need Don's blessing to do this. "So, we're 75% of this company. There's no need to create a conspiracy by having a vote, is there?" Like Pontius Pilate, they wash their hands of Pete while giving him their blessing to pursue Joan for the deal. One by one, they slink out of the office.

Back in the writer's room, Don tells the guys to abandon the mistress concept. "It's vulgar. We're going back to racing heritage," he informs them, feeling not only the weight of what he's just witnessed, but the sting of Megan's judgment from before - that this is immoral.

So, just when Don is looking like Mr. Sensitive, in walks Harry, Ken, and Peggy, to tell him of the good news about Chevalier Blanc. It's interesting that so much of the time, Don's miscommunications with Peggy and even Pete come when they approach him right after some stress-inducing incident. Such is the case here.

They tell Don that Peggy has saved the day with a brilliant idea. Peggy plays the humble card, but there's no need. Don doesn't really hear a word they say, until Peggy gets snippy with him. He bursts her bubble by reminding her that it's Ginsberg's account, which causes her to fire back with "I guess I'm not in charge of everything else after all," which is a call-back to his earlier sarcasm. This causes him to explode on her, in front of Harry and Ken. "You want to go to France?" he asks, yelling and pulling a wad of money from his pocket. "Here! Go to France!" he says, throwing the money in her face. It's an unconscionable move, and it sends her out of the office, followed closely by Ken and then Harry.

But ain't that the way life is? One minute, you're the hero, and then you turn around and you're the world's biggest asshole.

And the same goes for Peggy. Ken follows her to her office, where she assures him that she's not crying. When he tells her he didn't think that she was, she gets nasty with him, asking "What? Suddenly, we're all interested in each other's lives?" Megan was right about them. They're SO jaded.

Ken ignores the insult and tries to soften the blow by telling her that Jaguar is slipping away, and that Don is feeling the pinch. Peggy says she doesn't care. Ken, who's turned into one of the only decent men on the show, tells her he'll get her to France, and if he doesn't then they'll leave together. She fixes him with a condescending look. "You and your stupid pact," she says. "Save the fiction for your stories." Ken says nothing. He just turns and leaves her there. Alone.

Lane may have given up in front of the partners, but he decides to pay Joan a visit, to give her an idea. When he brings up the demand, she is offended by the intrusion, misinterpreting his motives. Of course, his motives are as much self-serving as they are altruistic, but he does show her a way to become a queen. He points out that a payoff will not do much for her or her son's future, but if she were to push for a partnership and 5% of the company, then she'd be looking out for their future for a very long time.

There's a moment of great irony in the scene. When Joan still thinks that Lane is in it only for the company, she points out that she makes around $13,000 a year. "I guess you wouldn't even be tempted," she tells him, not realizing, of course, that he's been tempted and seduced by $8,000.

That night, as Don and his team pull a late-night writing session, they are visited by Megan and her friend Julia, the redhead whom Megan was helping audition for Dark Shadows a couple of episodes ago.

As Megan takes Don back to his office, for a little pre-audition hanky-panky to boost her confidence, Julia entertains the writers by climbing on the conference room table and crawling across it on all fours, growling and clawing at the men like a jaguar. I couldn't help but feel that, with her red hair, and the way she was shot from behind, with her butt hanging out of her panties, she was meant to be a stand-in for Joan, that it was a commentary on her role in this ecosystem - the sex kitten.

At home, Pete reads to his daughter before retreating to his hi-fi system, where he listens to classical music under a pair of headphones. Trudy comes to him, once their daughter is in bed, and he starts griping about how he was in a good mood when he left work, but the long trip home exhausts him. He informs her that once the Jaguar account is landed, he'll have to get an apartment in the city, to which she says absolutely not.

"It's an epic poem to get home, and you're dressed for bed at dinner," he complains. She tells him that his love affair with Manhattan has to end. "How can you stand living out in this cemetery?" he asks her. "There's not any good night noises anywhere." She ends the argument by telling him that she wants to raise her children in the fresh air.

It's funny how at work, he can get people to do the most immoral acts, but at home, he wields none of that influence.

Another fruitless domestic argument takes place at the Draper residence when Megan tells Don that she's gotten a call back for Little Murders, the play she needed the confidence for. At first, Don is happy, but when he learns that Megan will be traveling to Boston for out of town tryouts for a few months, he tells her to forget it. This lights the fuse to a big fight that ends with her telling Don that she's doing it anyway and storming off.

The next morning, Joan meets with Pete to discuss the arrangement. She wears a stunning brown dress with a collar done in a print - tiger...or jaguar - that provides a call-back to Megan's friend Julia.

Joan is all business with Pete. She gives him her terms, exactly as Lane advised, and when he starts to protest, she cuts him off. After a beat, he agrees.

As she gets up to leave, she pauses at the door to ask which one he is. "He's not bad," Pete assures her. "He's doing this," she says, then leaves.

Later, Ginsberg interrupts Don in his office to bounce an idea off him. "I know I'm not a manager," Ginsberg says. "But it's hard to get things done with you in another room." "Well, I obviously have the opposite feeling," Don says. "Permission to speak freely," Ginsberg says. "What?" Don is frustrated by him, but it's a funny scene that builds to a breakthrough.

Ginsberg can't quit thinking about the mistress angle, and he drops a line on Don. "Jaguar, at last, something beautiful you can truly own." Don takes a beat, closes his eyes, and sighs a sigh of relief, signifying that at last, the words have been found on which the campaign will be built. Don's relief is palpable.

At about the same time, Peggy is having lunch with Freddie Rumsen, always a welcome sight. She vents to one who knows about the peculiarities of working for Don Draper. "I can never tell, Ballerina, if you're ambitious or if you like to complain," he tells her. She wonders why she can't do both.

During the course of their conversation, Freddie gives her a ton of sound advice, reminding her finally that if Don were sitting where he sits, and he wasn't the subject of the conversation, he'd tell her the same thing - make your move.

This is hard for Peggy to digest, and as she backs away from the idea, he gets her. "You let him know you're not some secretary from Brooklyn who's dying to help out." It's that line that seals the deal because it's so true, at least from Peggy's perspective. He tags the scene by reminding Peggy that she can't get mad if he goes after he job, once it's vacant.

That night, the night before the pitch, Pete pays a visit to Don as he's wrapping up at the office. Pete compliments Don on the tagline. Pete being Pete, he's got a hidden agenda, and we soon see what it is when he tells Don that all impediments have been removed, that it will all boil down to the pitch. What Pete means is that, "Hey Don, I've Don the hard work, now you just go in there and say your magic words."

This doesn't sit well with Don, and as he leaves, he tells Pete that he doesn't want it this way. Pete couldn't be happier.

Don races to Joan's apartment, where her mother answers the door. After a short wait, Joan appears in an emerald green kimono. The mother disappears. "I wanted to tell you that it's not worth it," Don says. "And if we don't get Jaguar, so what? Who wants to be in business with people like that?" Joan seems surprised. "I was told everyone was on board." Don explains that he said no, but that they voted after he left the room. "You're a good one, aren't you?" she says. "So, you understand what I'm saying?" "Yes I do," Joan says. "I'm all right. And thank you."

As Don leaves, Joan sends him off with a tender touch to the cheek. He goes home to prepare, feeling as though he's saved Joan and preserved his chance to win fair and square.

The next day is the pitch, and this is where the show hit another level, putting on par with some of the best episodes in the entire five season run.

Don shows up at the Jaguar showroom, flanked by Roger, Pete, Ken, and the creative team, and as they stride down the middle of the showroom, a competing agency walks past, going in the opposite direction. It's like an old west showdown.

As Don gets into his pitch, he's in old form. But there's a twist.

"You must get tired of hearing what a beautiful thing this car is, but I've met a lot of beautiful women in my life, and despite their protestations, they never tire of hear it," he says. "But when deep beauty is encountered, it arouses deep emotions, because it creates a desire."

At this moment, there's a cut to the night before, as Joan shows up at Herb Rennet's place. It turns out that she did go to him. But why?

Don continues the pitch, and as he does, Joan's night with Herb is intercut, a contrast to the words Don uses, the mistress metaphor.

Finally, as Don closes his pitch, he ends with these words. "Gentlemen, what price would we pay? What behavior would we forgive? If they weren't pretty, if they weren't temperamental, if they weren't beyond our reach, and a little out of our control, would we love them like we do? Jaguar. At last, something truly beautiful you can truly own."

And here, we get the twist. The moment of brilliance. It turns out that Don showed up at Joan's just after she returned from Herb's hotel. It turns out Don was too late.

The pitch was a beautifully constructed scene that reminded me of the end of the Godfather 1, when Michael settles family business as he becomes godfather to his nephew. Don's words, used to sell a car, are perverted by the offer of the man who sits in judgment of him. Don thinks nothing of the metaphor, but Megan was right - the car has become immoral because it was bought with dirty money.

Fade to Don's triumphant return to the office. He's exultant, and as he sees Joan, he asks if she wants to have a drink with the rest of the team. She declines.

At Megan's meeting with the producers and playwright (Jules Pfeiffer), she is asked to turn around in her short dress, so they can look at her. It's a brief moment, but one that is meant, I think, to level the playing field a little. Megan doesn't get off unscathed either.

Next, it's Peggy's turn. She's at a diner, dressed up and waiting. After a moment, Ted Chaough (Kevin Rahm) shows up. He's a nemesis of Don, a hated rival, and he's eager to win Peggy over to his agency - Cutler Gleason and Chaough. Ted praises Peggy to the moon, and asks her what it will take to get her away from Don. Peggy pulls out a SCDP note pad and writes "Copy Chief $18,000/year" on it. Ted takes the pad, crosses out SCDP and $18,000 and writes $19,000 and checks the words "Copy Chief" and pushes the pad back to Peggy. "If this is your last meeting," he offers as his only condition. Peggy starts doing that nervous Peggy thing, where she jerks her head like a bird and says she needs a chocolate shake.

That night, Don returns home, surprised to find Megan there. He learns that she didn't win the role, and tries to console her. She asks about the pitch, and he keeps it low key. She knows better, and says she bets he was great. He says the same about her. "The difference is, I want you to get it," Megan says. Like Betty never would, she calls out his bad behavior, pointing out the reasons why it has to change if their marriage is to work. She reaffirms her love for him, telling him that if it came to acting or him, she's choose him - but she'd hate him for being put in the position to choose. He pulls her to him, telling her that he doesn't want her to fail.

Things seem okay for now.

The next morning, Don shows up for work to learn that Peggy is looking for him. As he calls her to his office, all hell breaks loose, as the word begins to reach SCDP of the agencies who didn't get the Jaguar business. As it becomes clear that Don won the account, Peggy fades into the background.

Roger calls for all the partners to gather in his office, and as they do, Don is shocked to see Joan enter in an emerald green dress - the same color as the emerald in the necklace that was a gift from Herb.

Finally, the official call comes. Roger takes it and thanks Jaguar for making the right choice. As he hangs up the phone, a cheer goes through the room. But Don's not celebrating. After a pause, Pete looks to Joan. "Shall we address the men?" Pete asks.

Don follows the partners to the conference room, where the rest of the company has gathered to celebrate. Peggy is in the hallway. "You wanted to talk to me?" Don asks. "Aren't you busy?" Peggy asks. "I'm not in the mood," Don says, referring to the celebrating. "You really have no idea when things are good, do you?" Again, Peggy catches him at one of those bad moments.

Don gestures that they go to his office, where he asks her to have a drink with him. Peggy goes into her windup. She takes her time, and remains standing as he sits.

"I want you to know that the day you saw something in me, well my whole life changed. And since then, it's been my privilege to not only be at your side, but to be treated like a protégé and for you to be my mentor. And my champion."

Don shifts uncomfortably. "But..." he says.

"But, I think I've reached a point where it's time for me to have a new experience." "Really?" Don says, not taking her seriously. "I'm giving my notice. I've accepted another offer."

Don tries to buy her back with an extravagant raise, but she's made up her mind. Unlike Joan, she won't be bought. And once Don gets it, the look on his face is devastating - the realization that she's really leaving. He asks where she's going, and when she tells him, his reaction is visceral. He tells her to forget about the notice, that she can leave immediately. It's a painful goodbye, and when she offers her hand, rather than shake it, he gives it a long kiss, causing her to tear up. "Don't be a stranger," she says, choking back tears.

She leaves him there, and returns to her office, where she gets her coat, her purse, a thermos, and a mug. The rest she leaves behind. As she leaves SCDP one final time, she passes the celebration that carries on in the conference room, and as she disappears to the lobby, Joan catches a glimpse of her. The look on Joan's face provided the final contrast between these two women. As Peggy leaves on her own terms, a free woman, Joan is left behind, trapped by the bargain she's made. Yes, Joan made partner, but is she truly free?

The episode ends as Peggy takes a final look back. It's a heartbreaking moment. But as the elevator pings and the door opens, Peggy smiles as she steps into the future. And as she does, the opening riff of the Kinks' You Really Got Me sends her on her way. Providing articles, reviews and writings on movies online.