Mega Movies Online

Friday 20 January 2012

Why 3 Idiots soared-Rocket Singh didn't?

 3 Idiots and Rocket Singh, the salesman of the year, both films deal with contemporary and very relevant themes

 3 Idiots shows what our education system is and what it should be. Rocket Singh pits the corrupt, ruthless business system and its pawns and kings versus the emerging business scenario and development with respect for human beings and human values.

 Both themes are excellent and very relevant.

 The soaring success and popularity of 3 Idiots shows that Raj kumar Hirani and his team, especially the writing and direction, has very successfully hit the gold. Casting too is very critical. Aamir,44, doing a 22, is a total winner. Support by Madhvan and Sharman Joshi is also a topper.

 But the battle of the box office is almost 70% won on the script stage. It's the story and the script that decides whether the movie would be a soaring success or a peacock rocket.

 A film that soars at the box office than all the others in the past cannot do that without compelling mass appeal and multiple repeat values. And 3 Idiots proves it.

 Rocket Singh is a very well written and well made film. It has the latest Bollywood heart throb Ranbir Kapoor as compared to 44 years old Aamir Khan doing a 22 years old Idiot-in-Chief.

 It is also produced by the much respected Yashraj Films. Expectations are always high from a Yashraj Films production. The Initial draw of Ranbir Kapoor was another plus point in its favor.

 Rocket Singh has a start that shows how Rocket Singh is humiliated and insulted in the company he has joined. The boss, Mr.Puri, who had recommended him for the job too turns against him, rating Rocket Singh a big Zero. For the story it's a normal beginning to reach its climax. Though fast paced dialogue and acting and editing speed up the pace of the film in the beginning.

Now  recall the 3 Idiots beginning. Rashtrapati Bhavan, a moving plane, Madhavan getting a call, he does a mock heart attack, faints and falls, is being rushed on a wheel chair.  Suddenly jumps out of the wheel chair, does a few physical excercises, surprising the attending medical staff and the doctor, and escapes, running out and driving away in a taxi.

Raju gets a call in his bed. Rushes out without pants and socks. Nowhere near a normal, negative, slow paced beginning. It has firmly hooked the audience and the film that follows tightens the hook, fevicoling the audience to their seats. And better, it offers repeat values too, to enjoy again and again and again….

The struggle of Rocket Singh and 3 Idiots against the systems they are caught in is grim to say the least. It's a question of not only achieving success but of survival too. Their antagonists own all resources, power and support.

Rocket Singh and the 3 Idiots have nothing but their guts, character, and brains to fight their own mahabharats. And they are brilliant in their tactics and strategy to beat not only their antagonists but the systems as well.

They show how even the most powerful looking antagonists and systems have their Achilles heels,  their weakpoints, which make them very vulnerable to the brilliant minds and bravehearts who are  resolute and determined to vanquish them. Both Rocket Singh and 3 Idiots are inspiring change makers.

While Raj Kumar Hirani is raising continuously his writing and direction graph, giving iconic Munnabhai films and now 3 Idiots, writer Jaideep Sahni and director Shimit Amin are by no means far behind in qualities and abilities.

Remember ChakDe,India? They too are capable of creating hit films like Raj Kumar Hirani. But like the Indian cricket team thay have not been consistent in giving the hits they are capable of. In the matter of consistency they are still not anywhere near Raj Kumar Hirani.

Quality and class they have, consistency is required to catch up and be where Raj Kumar Hirani is. But more important for them is to be honest and sincere to their own integrity as a creative team, to persist in their originality of ideas and create their own trajectory to their own creative excellence. Following the beaten tracks and ruts is for the stale minds only.

Yes, Rocket Singh is not everyone's cup of enjoyment and entertainment. The dialogue delivery of Ranbir Kapoor is not very audible and clear at places. It is like a special product for its own special clients. A niche film for its own class audience.

3 Idiots is everything for all. It has all the mass appeals to pull in the masses and classes of all niches. Both films are worth seeing. Both are inspiring, Interesting and instructive, having the three I's which are vital for all creative works, especially the films.

The question is: The change making films as they are, would they inspire the changes, the urgency and necessity of which they express?

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