Mega Movies Online

Thursday 23 February 2012

The growth of a Production Company; Goldrush Entertainment Inc enters the big leagues

Run with the big dogs, or stay on the porch with the puppies.

That is a catch phrase that can be applied to many circumstances. It can be easy to fall prey to inertia, to become comfortable within a certain space and resist change. Remaining within the confines of a movie genre, for example, can hamper the creative process if a filmmaker allows themselves to fall into formula. Of course, some talented individuals push the limits of the box and redefine the field.

Alfred Hitchcock used his genius to uplift parts of the thriller genre to an admired and respectable level. While he remained within his "comfort zone", the thriller, he felt free to experiment and step outside those boundaries.

For the Canadian production company, Goldrush Entertainment Inc, their foray into the big leagues of movie production required them to move onto new ground. The horror movie industry had been good to them, but they wanted to work on projects with wider audience reach, and with more depth of subject matter.
As Eric Gozlan, founder and CEO of Goldrush Entertainment, has said:

"Horror is a formulaic genre that sells well. It's a stepping stone many Producers use to break into the business but it isn't as respected as Drama.  I think every Producer eventually wants to branch out, rise up in the ranks and sink their teeth into a project with a little more meat on it"

A credit to his flexibility and his talent, Executive Producer Eric Gozlan brings his philosophy on the job of movie production to every project he is involved in.

"The genres may be different but the basic work and organization that goes into the development and creation of each production is the same. My mandate is to make good movies and to keep making them regardless of the genre."

Adherence and respect for his mandate has moved his production company Goldrush Entertainment further into the limelight. Making inroads in an intensely competitive industry is not easy, but dedication to craft as well as a good eye for potentially successful projects helps Eric Gozlan to move forward as a producer. The drama "Beautiful Boy", with its handful of awards and excellent reviews, as well as their current production "Carjacked", has helped consolidate Goldrush Entertainment`s reputation for solid filmmaking - a trend that Gozlan intends to build on.

"We have a number of new projects on our slate for the next two years including a 3-D animated feature and are also looking to spread our wings in the Canadian marketplace…Prior to Beautiful Boy we were mainly producing genre films such as Never Cry Werewolf or Hallowed Ground but Beautiful Boy's ongoing success has us leaning more towards dramatic features."

Eric Gozlan and Goldrush Entertainment are definitely running with the big dogs. Ipad for sale, streaming ipod movies, pc satellite tv, best lcd tv, cruise ships for sale, best lcd tv for sale, guide to fly fishing, golf technique and instructions, stream ipod movies, only fools and horses, psp for sale, rc helicopters, 118 diecast, source.

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