Mega Movies Online

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Movie Reviews - Bright

Movie Reviews this week looks at the alternative futuristic sci-fi movie Bright starring the stalwart Will Smith (Independence Day), who always brings a certain bravado, signifying a touch of danger to his roles.We join the movie finding out that orcs, elves, and humans all live together in a futuristic alternative universe, where elves are in charge; the bourgeoisie of the planet, humans are the middle class, and orcs are not just the working class but are looked down upon, by both humans and elves, the basis of this being that in some distant war, thousands of years ago the orcs pledged their allegiance to the Dark Lord, and although they lost the war, they have been underfoot in the midst of the other races from then on. It does a very blatant comparison to any unjust society through any era of human civilisation and for this, it deserves recognition... ..

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